Representatives from GeoCamp Iceland participated in the conference in the "Education of Tomorrow: Shaping Employee 4.0 in the World of New Technologies", organised by the INFOTECH Foundation in cooperation with the Białystok University of Technology and GeoCamp Iceland.
The conference, which took place on 29 November 2023, was part of the two-year project "Technologies of the future in today's school", which received a 217.000 EUR support from the EEA Grant funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Among topics at the conference were discussed challenges and opportunities for future employees in Poland and Iceland in the era of automation, course development on vocational level on the "Basics of Programming", and the teaching curriculum for "Programming Secondary School". The conference also offered an excellent opportunity for networking and exchanging knowledge and experience on the future of professional education in the digital era. A delegation from GeoCamp Iceland participated in a training course in Bialystok, Poland, as part of the EEA - EOG Project on future technologies in education. The course focused on 'Modern methods and tools for effective distance learning' and took place on 26 - 28 April 2023.
The training course aimed to familiarize participants with the latest trends, technologies and good practices in the field of distance education. The aim is not only to impart knowledge, but also to inspire the implementation of modern solutions in everyday pedagogical work. During the three-day training, participants had the opportunity to participate in workshops, lectures and discussions with experienced practitioners and experts in the field of remote education. Five participants on behalf of GeoCamp Iceland attended the meeting: Arnbjörn Ólafsson, Sigrún Svafa Ólafsdóttir, Magdalena Maria Poslednik, Skúli Freyr Brynjólfsson (Keilir Academy) and Tryggvi Thayer (University of Iceland). GeoSchool - GeoCamp Iceland participates with the Polish school Infotech and Bialystok University of Technology in the EEA funded project "EOG - Technologies of the future in today’s school". The main goal of the project to reduce economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and improve the quality of education by creating pilot courses of study in vocational education corresponding to the demand for IT specialists in the labor market.
In February 2023 we attended the fourth meeting in the project, which also included an open conference on the future technologies in education. Four participants on behalf of GeoCamp Iceland attended the meeting: Arnbjörn Ólafsson and Magdalena Maria Poslednik, as well as Dr. Tryggvi Thayer from the University of Iceland and Bjarndís Fjóla Jónsdóttir from Mixtúra - STEM Centre in Reykjavík. As part of the conference programme, Dr. Thayer gave a presentation on Innovating Education and Magdalena Maria Poslednik on Educational Aspirations - Opportunities and Challenges for the Polish Community in Iceland. The conference was hosted by Bialystok University of Technology with attendence from both faculty and university students. During the open conference the Icelandic participants offered two presentations: “EduCamps and Design - Thinking as a tool of social innovation” and “Educational aspirations, opportunities and challenges for Polish community in Iceland”. You can watch recorindgs of the conference here. GeoSchool - GeoCamp Iceland participates with the Polish school Infotech and Bialystok University of Technology in the EEA funded project "EOG - Technologies of the future in today’s school". The main goal of the project to reduce economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and improve the quality of education by creating pilot courses of study in vocational education corresponding to the demand for IT specialists in the labor market.
The main focus of GeoCamp's participation is to support innovative education and teaching methodologies, as well as organise study visits for the group to Iceland. The first such visit took place in June 2022, where nine representatives from the Polish project partners had visits to both University of Iceland Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and Gróska Creative Community. Picture: Dr. Runar Unnthorsson, Head of Faculty The first transnational project meeting in the EOG - Technologies of the future in today’s school, took place at INFOTECH Schools in Białystok, Poland 26 - 27 April 2022 - April 27, 2022. The project is co-funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA funds.
GeoCamp Iceland partners Białystok University of Technology and the INFOTECH Partnership for Development Foundation as part of the project entitled "Technologies of the future in today's school". During the two-day meeting, we discussed the principles of joint project implementation and the schedule of activities, participation of the business community in education, the use of business tools in the teaching process and the use of specialists-programmers. The EOG project focuses on the preparation of innovative and unique courses of study in Poland, corresponding to the real needs of the labor market in the modern technology industry. |
January 2025